Matthew Riddett's all-expenses-paid thrilling tell-all extravaganza junior software developer learning log blog

Stock Optimizer!

February 19, 2020

AlgoDaily code challenge, Day 35.

Stock Buy and Sell Optimization

This is a classic technical interview question that I’ve seen a number of times in real life interviews. Let’s say you’re given an array of stock prices, with each element being an integer that represents a price in dollars.

// [ 10, 7, 6, 2, 9, 4 ]

Each index of the array represents a single day, and the the element at that index is the stock price for that given day. This means that the array below represents:

// const prices = [ 10, 7, 6, 2, 9, 4 ];
// Day 0 - a price of `$10`
// Day 1 - `$7`
// Day 2 - `$6` (and so on...)

Given the ability to only buy once and sell once, our goal is to maximize the amount of profit (selling price - purchase price) that we can attain and return that value. Note the only caveat is that that we cannot sell a stock before we buy it, which is important in identifying a solution.

Can you write a stock optimizer method called stockOptimizer? See the following examples for further clarification:

// stockOptimizer([ 10, 7, 6, 2, 9, 4 ])
// 7

For the above example, the max profit is made when we buy on day/index 3(when the price is 2) and sell on day/index 4(when the price is 9) 9 - 2gives us 7, which is returned by the function. Let’s do another example.

stockOptimizer([9, 8, 6, 5, 3])
// 0

From a quick glance, it seems like there’s enough price differences to generate a profit. However, notice that the price drops every day, and thus we can’t have a profit since we’re required to buy before selling.

My Solution:

// Solution:

var stocksArray = [10, 7, 6, 4, 9, 4];
var highestPossibleProfit = 0;

function stockOptimizer(arr) {
  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    for (x = 1; x < arr.length; x++) {
      if (
        arr[i + x] - arr[i] > 0 &&
        arr[i + x] - arr[i] > highestPossibleProfit
      ) {
        highestPossibleProfit = arr[i + x] - arr[i];


console.log("Stock Array = " + stocksArray);
console.log("Maximum possible profit = $" + highestPossibleProfit);

Again, pretty simple. Use a nested for loop and keep a “highestPossibleProfit” integer variable. As the for loops run they check if the difference between the two current array elements is > than the current highestPossibleProfit integer.

Yep. Works, simple, clear. What’s not to love?


Written by Matthew Riddett who lives and works in Victoria BC, building fun and useful things. You can follow him on Twitter