Matthew Riddett's all-expenses-paid thrilling tell-all extravaganza junior software developer learning log blog

Back to Javascript Basics!

January 28, 2020

Today I started a new Javascript course. I’ve actually been using Javascript for a little while now and I know a decent amount of fundamental programming concepts and skills from working with C# in Unity, but I was finding that my knowledge had lots of annoying gaps. So, I went to Udemy and picked up this course which is great so far. I spent the day getting through the first half of the first section, basically reviewing the basics :-).

Then, I revisited some game design and coding patterns for Unity to prep for the upcoming Global Game Jam this weekend.

It was a good day. A real confidence booster because today pretty much everything I was working on I kind of already knew, so I was able to just fly through it all without any grief. However, I know the pain is coming once I start to get into the more advanced JS stuff.

Okey Dokey Smokey! More to follow tomorrow…


Written by Matthew Riddett who lives and works in Victoria BC, building fun and useful things. You can follow him on Twitter