Matthew Riddett's all-expenses-paid thrilling tell-all extravaganza junior software developer learning log blog

More adventures in basic JavaScript!

January 30, 2020

Today I spent most of the day working through the Udemy JavaScript course. Made it almost to the end of section 4, which is the section in which we build our first course project - a simple dice game!

I’m actually having loads of fun because everything is making so much sense and sinking in quickly. I’m soooo glad I decided to do this course. It’s really filling in all those gaps.

The further along I get the more I am struck by how similar every programming language I have tried so far is similar. I mean, JS and C# and nearly identical in so many ways - at least with respect to the basics. To the point where you could literally copy and paste between the two for many code snippets. I can really see how the more you learn the faster your learning goes, simply because you have so much more prior knowledge to build upon. Of course this phenomenon is well known in learning science, but still it’s rather striking when you encounter the effect first hand in a new and challenging learning context.

So yes, I spent a couple of hours getting further through the Udemy JS course, and then I switched over to Github to create a new repo for a new website project. The idea for the website is just to re-create what I’ve already built with SquareSpace, using Gatsby and React and host it on Github and deploy with Netlify. Should be fun! It’s for the myLevelUP app landing page, which can be seen here: .

Getting excited for #GGJ2020 this weekend! It’s gonna be a blast :-)

Alright, that’s enough captain’s log for today. I’ll likely do more tonight after the kiddos go to bed, but that’s what I’ve done so far today. I’m trying to stay consistent with these blog posts, and this time of day seems to work well so far.

Leveling Up!


Written by Matthew Riddett who lives and works in Victoria BC, building fun and useful things. You can follow him on Twitter