Matthew Riddett's all-expenses-paid thrilling tell-all extravaganza junior software developer learning log blog


January 31, 2020

Today I completed the first project in my Udemy JavaScript course! It’s a simple dice game. Two players agree on a winning score, and the first one to reach that score wins! You know… cause they got the… winning score…


It was pretty fun. All done in pure JS and CSS from scratch. However, it still looks a lot like a course project, so I’m gonna have to do a few things to it to really give it some personality and differentiate it from the likely 10s of 1000s of similar dice games others have built and popped onto their portfolios after taking this course. Got a few ideas: change the background. Add some nifty animations, all around give it some ‘juice’.

I put it up on Github and deployed with Netlify. You can check it out here.

Great fun, and a good project to get in the mood for the game jam starting tonight! #GGJ2020 here I come! so excited :-P

So yeah, after completing this project I’m even more struck by just how similar JavaScript and C# really are in their fundamentals. I could probably take the dice game and copy the code directly to a C# script and build it with Unity and get the same result, with minimal modifications. And that - as Gandalf would say - is an encouraging thought.

I’ll try and keep up the posts over the weekend to keep a record of the game jam.

Until then…

Chow chow!


Written by Matthew Riddett who lives and works in Victoria BC, building fun and useful things. You can follow him on Twitter